
Come and Join the Winning Side

Desmond Tutu is one of my favorite people, he was the Anglican Archbishop to Cape Town, South Africa during the struggle with Apartheid, he has also won the Nobel Peace Prize.There is a short story about him that I have read many times and told to many people. Everytime I read or tell the story it gives me chills, it is that powerful. Here is the story:

A demonstration against apartheid had been forbidden to take place out on the streets, and so they had moved it into the church. But the police came into the church together with the crowds, hovered around the edges in a threatening manner.
And Tutu addressed the police directly, pointed at them, and said, “You may be powerful, but YOU are not God.” He said, “you have already been defeated.”
And then he stepped forward and with the cheeky smile that he’s so well known for he said, “so, since you’ve lost already, why don’t you come and join us, come and join the winning side.” And the policemen kind of slinked away and left them to their worship service.

Do you know what happened? They were defeated! God is always on the side of justice even when the odds seem to be against it.


Seven Deadly Social Sins

I am a person who believes strongly in the idea there are two different sides to the Gospel that Jesus taught, Personal and Social, which when both are applied the true message of Christ is realized.
As a person who was raised in the Catholic church I was taught the Seven Deadly Sins which some Christians know and others have never heard of. These are seven Sin types which lead not to physical death (although they can) but spiritual. If you don't know what they are here is the list:
Sloth (Laziness)
Wrath (Anger or vengefulness)
These all seem obvious as dangers, even if you have never seen this list. However, Mahatma Ghandi, although not a Christian himself, clearly was in tune with many Christian values. He came up with the Seven Deadly Social Sins which lead to the death of the soul of society. They are:
Wealth Without Work
Pleasure Without Concscience
Knowledge Without Character
Commerce Without Morality
Science Without Humanity
Religion Without Sacrifice
Politics Without Principle
I think our society not only has broken each one of these fourteen sins but we have made it our M.O. However, we only seem to be working on the personal sins all the while our society is walking off the edge of a cliff. This is an area that must change, if we are to hope for any sort of real change in ourselves and our society I believe that we must strive to overcome each of these 14 items.
What do you think?



I recently sat down and composed a list of things I would like to do before I die, (Sabrina had watched The Bucket List on the plane ride back from Europe) it ranged from rather meaningless i.e walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to significant accomplishment- run a marathon. While I know I will likely not satisfy all of these goals (marathon) I got to check one item off the list recent. I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. I wanted to go to Opening Day but the tickets were pretty steep, so I went to the 3rd game of the season. Keep in mind that Chicago in April can be hit or miss weather wise. Well it was a miss. It was upper 40's no sun and the wind was blowing in. My hot chocolate was a chocolate shake by the time I finished it. I was with my dad and we both silently thought whether the other would mind if we left before the game was over. We made it to the top of the 9th ( which allowed us to sing 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame'). The Cubs looked like they were going to win and we were turning to ice cubes. After all of that we got to see the first win of the season, the Cubs are in first place. I hope I can go again sometime when the weather is better. Cue the Music!

Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go

Hey Chicago what do you say

The Cubs are Gonna Win Today

Next on the list... Packers Game @ Lambeau Field

What is on your list?

Ruminations from someone who spends too much time pondering.