
Run for Mercy

Many people say a goal is a dream until you write it down, so here goes. It is my intention to run the Charlotte Thunder Road Marathon on Saturday Dec 13, 2008 to raise money for Mercy Ministries. Although the event that I run is subject to change due to training schedule, injury and other logistics, I WILL be Running For Mercy. This is a real stretch of faith for me, I have never run anywhere close to 26.2 miles but I believe that the cause is worth that stretch and that faith will see me through. Additionally I will be seeking individual sponsors who will pledge $ amounts per completed mile that will go to Mercy Ministries for whatever they choose, hopefully to put towards their future Charlotte location. Here is another stretch of faith, I want to raise AT LEAST $10,000 for Mercy. All prayers for strength and health, as well as sponsorship is greatly appreciated. There I've said it. I am now committed, it is official!

1 comment:

BranchPastor said...

Run Mark Run!

We are behind you and will let the Branch know about your efforts to support Mercy.

I love it!


Ruminations from someone who spends too much time pondering.