
Dog is my co-pilot

The Picture to the right is of my 2 dogs, Duke (not University, gag!) is the white one and Dutchess is the brown one. Aside from my wife they are my pride and joy. I always grew up hearing that "all dogs go to heaven", I was shocked when my wife told me she had never heard that before, apparently Baptist dogs don't make the cut, go figure. If God were to have a favorite animal it has to be the dog. Now I love all animals, with Opossums being the only possible exception, but dogs are the best . If you have a dog you know what I mean, dogs when treated right, regardless of breed (Pit Bulls included) are the best companion humans can have. They are one of the few animals shown to be altruistic, they will literally give their life for you, cats won't, horses won't, I don't think, if anything they will kill you. I got to thinking, are dogs in some way a mirror of God, the words are in fact mirrors of each other, this is likely a coincidence, but then again, God works in mysterious ways. Think about it, a dog loves you unconditionally, it doesn't care what you did yesterday, two weeks ago, that one time when you had too much to drink, it only thinks about you how it sees you, the love of its life. If you have a dog, have you ever left the house for two minutes and when you come back the dog acts the same as if you have been gone for weeks, tail wagging and probably bringing you a treat welcoming you home. God is much the same way, through Jesus, God got a short memory. He is only caring about what you are doing now and what you are doing the future, to God repentance is the treat that makes Him wag his tail and forget, and he is always happy when you come home even if you have only been gone a short while. If you ever need a reminder how much God loves you just look at a dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post mark. We recently had our beloved family dog of fifteen years pass away. It was so difficult on all of us. the kids were beside themselves. It is good to know that others love their pets as much as we did!

Love you guys!

Ruminations from someone who spends too much time pondering.